Hybrid Onions

  Hybrids are produced in three color varieties and are available with Sweet Clover Produce year-round. Red, Yellow, or White hybrids are produced in the summer and storaged in the fall for winter. Hybrid onions come from Grano seeds, and are globe shaped, they are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber , and folic acid. They also contain calcium, iron and are low in sodium and contain no fat.

Red Hybrid Onion: The Redwing variety has a rich red color throughout the onion with 80% single centers.

Yellow Hybrid Onions: Globe shaped and grown in the rich soil of the Columbia Basin in Washington State.

White Hybrid Onions: Clean and bright with a noticable white coloring.

Hybrid Onions Year Round in all Colors from Sweet Clover Produce.

50lb sacks, 25lb sacks, 40lb cartons, 16/3 bales we pack to fit your needs.








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Monday November 7, 2005