
Grown only in a small pocket of south Georgia, the Vidalia onion matures into unsurpassed sweetness in the spring; a sweet, mild Vidalia Onion with a somewhat flat top and bottom. Granex seed grows into an onion one "can eat like an apple" in the fields around Vidalia and Glennville. The bill designating the Vidalia onion as the official state vegetable was enacted by the General Assembly in 1990.

The delicate nature of the Onions requires that they be harvested by hand. To ensure continued quality Georgia's Department of Agriculture Commissioner, Tommy Irvin, created and implemented the Vidalia Onion Quality Control Inspection Service

By using technology borrowed from the apple industry, known as Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage, Vidalia Onions can be stored for several months to prolong the marketing season well into November and December.
The CA process is simply a modification of the air we breathe. Vidalia Onions can be stored for several months in an atmosphere of 92% nitrogen, 5% carbon dioxide and 3% oxygen with the air temperature maintained at approximately 33 degrees with 70% humidity.



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Monday September 5, 2005